Shih tzu-Connor

Shih tzu

We are proud to able to take of this wonderful boy in Europe, and we hope he will enjoy his stay at Whisborne as much as we enjoy him, a wonderful dog with a temprament who charm all people he come in contact with. Yes, he surely become ”the one and only” !


Rapture Prelude to Ovation

”Connor”  the judges choice !


American Ch,Canadian Ch,Mexican Ch.Grand.Mexican Ch Guatemalan Ch,Latino-American Ch, Danish Ch, Norwegian Ch, Swedish Ch. Nordic Ch.Polish Ch, Croatian Ch, Finnish Ch.

International Ch (FCI)
Polish Winner-2006, Copenhagen Winner-2006, Swedish Winner-2006, Nordic Winner-2006,
Croatian Winner-2007, Copenhagen Winner-2007
Multi BIS & BISS winner.
FCI-World Winner-2006/ World Champion-2006
FCI-European Winner-2007

Rapture Prelude to Ovation

Top Shih Tzu Mexico 2004 , Top Shih Tzu Canada 2005
Top Shih Tzu Norway 2006 , Top* Shih Tzu Denmark 2006,
Top Toydog Norway 2006, Top Toydog Denmark 2006
Top* Shih Tzu Sweden 2006
*the kennel club point system.
Top Dog of the year – All breeds in Norway 2006
Top Dog of the year #4 – All breeds in Sweden 2006


Connor News :

26.jan.08, Connor won Best of Breed, Group 3rd, CC and Cacib, and his Finnish

Champion title at the all breed  International Championship show In Åbo, Finland.

16.sept.07  Danish Kennel Club Int.Ch.Show,Ballerup,
Connor won Best of Breed and group 3rd. and the Kopenhagen
Winner-07 title.

2.june-07, FCI European Winner Show, Zagreb, Croatia. Connor won another huge victory, Best of Breed, the European Winner-07 title and his Croatian Championship, and the Croatian Winner-07 title.

8.april -07, Swedish Kennel Club, Stockholm Int.All breed Ch.Show. Connor won Best of Bred.

9-10. dec. Stockholm International / The Swedish Winner Show 2006. Connor

won Best of Breed, and the Swedish Winner-2006 title, and end up as group-
reserve, and become the #4 Top Dog of the Year – All breeds in Sweden 2006, and the Top winning Shih Tzu (based on the kennel club’s point system all breeds)

9-12.Nov. FCI World Dog Show, Poznan, Poland. 21.000 dogs entred, 146 Shih Tzu’s. Connor won CAC, Cacib, and the World Winner-2006 / World Champion-2006 title, Polish Champion title and the Polish Winner-2006 title !

22th.oct. Norwegian Kennel Club, Int.Ch.Sh- all breeds, Tromsö. Connor won Best in Show again !, and won the Norwegian Kennel Club’s traditional  Top dog-2006 – all breeds* competition !!(based on the Kennel Club’s point system all breeds)

7th-8th Oct, Norwegian Kennel Club Int.Ch.Show- all breeds. Kongsvinger,3100 dogs entred Connor won again Best of Breed, and the Group-2nd !
16-17th,september, Danish Kennel Club, Copenhagen Winner Show 2006, Connor won Best of Breed and the Group 1st, and the Danish Kennel Club  title: Copenhagen Winner 2006!! – about 3300 dogs entred.

3.rd.september, Swedish Kennel Club, National All breed Ch.Show. Öland. Connor did it again and won BEST IN SHOW  (over 2000 dogs)

19-20th.august, Swedish Kennel Club International All-breeds Ch.Show, Nyköping. Connor won Best of breed, the Group and end up as Best in Show- res. ! (over 3000 dogs entred).

5-6th.august, Best in Show again !!! Connor won Best in Show at the Swedish Kennel Club’s National All-Breeds Ch.Show in Svenstavik !

27 – 30nd.July, Danish Kennel Club, 4 x International All breeds Ch.Show in Brönby. Connor won 3 x Best of Breed and one Group-2, Well done ”old” boy, in a record heathwave for Scandinavia !
1st and 2nd.july, At the big Norwegian Kennel Club International all-breed Ch.Show in Trondheim, Connor won, Best of Breed, Best in Group and allmost ”did it”, and wonBest in Show -2 !!

18th.june, Afther a long tour from Ålborg in Denmark to Drammen in Norway the next day, Connor won another Best of Breed and won the Gourp-2nd. At the Norwegian Kennel Club’s big International all breed Ch.Show.

17th.june. At the  big Danish Kennel Club’s Int.Ch.Show (all breeds) in Ålborg, Connor won Best of Breed and the Group 1st !!

20-21st.may, Connor won another Best in Show, at the Swedish Kennel Club’s National All breed Ch.Show in Ånge !!

13-14th.may, Another great winn for Connor at The Swedish Kennel Club National All-breed Championshipshow in Piteå. Connor won again Best in Show !!! and was made up as Swedish and Nordic Champion!

6 – 7th.may, Connor did it again !! At the Norwegian Kennel Club International- All breed Ch.Show, Connor won Best of Breed, Best in Group and end up BEST IN SHOW !! The judges was, breed: Mr.Leif Lehmann Jörgensen, Denmark, group: Mr.Steven Seymour,UK and BIS judge was Mr.Per Iversen, Norway.

5th.may – Connors first puppies born in Scandinavia !!!!!!!!!

22nd.april, Another Best of Breed for Connor, this time at the Swedish Kennel Club’s National  Championship Show in Västerås, Sweden, under judge Christian Gelmeyden, from Norway.

26th.march, at the Norwegian Kennel Club’s International all breed Ch.Show in Bergen, Connor won Best in Show – 3 ! Judges was, breed  Mrs.Mona Selback,Norway, group Mrs.Rita Trainee, Israel, Best in Show, Mr.Rodi Hübenthal, Norway.

26th.february, Connor won again Best of Breed, the group and was Best in Show-2 at the Norwegian Kennel Club’s International Ch.Show in Bö over 2600 dogs. Judges was,breed, Mrs.Anne Marie Haugsten Hansen, Norway, group,Mr.Hans Almgren (breed specialist) Sweden, and Best in Show, Mrs.Marit Sunde, Norway.

18th.february, Connor won Best of Breed, the group and end up as Best in Show-3at The Danish Kennel Club’s International Ch.Show in Odense, over 3250 dogs. Judges was, breed, Mrs.Hanne Laine Jensen, Denmark, group Mrs.Marie Petersen, Denmark, and Best in Show Mr.Guiseppe Alessandra, Italy.

8th.january Connor made his debut in Sweden with a great manner with Best of breedout of 78, Best in Group and Best in Show At the great Swedish Kennel Club International Ch.Show in Gothenburg! Thank you to judges,breed, Mrs. Zeena Thorn Andrews, England,group, Mr. Dan Ericsson, Sweden,Best in Show, Mrs. Agnes Ganami, Israel for this fantastic start in Scandinavia, over 3500 dogs !

Connor is sire of:

Can.Ch. Ovations Chantelle My Belle
Can.Ch. Kojiros Ring Ready At Raptures
Can.Ch. Kojiros Aka Sashimi
Can.Ch. Kojiros Hailey
Can.Ch. Raptures Naughty But Nice
Can.Ch. Raptures Born To Win
Can.Ch. Styantzu’s Zhan Juan
Can.Ch. Styantzu’s Hong Ming Xing
Can.Ch.Ovation’s Simply Devin

Owned by: Phyllis and Bob Stoddard, Canada



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