Judging around the world
Mrs.Annika Ulltveit-Moe, was first autorized as judge for all spaniel breeds (in FCI group 8) in 1984, since then the autorizion was extension, and was extent to all FCI breeds in 2001. Her assignment have included many prestigious dog shows in the world,
such as FCI World Dog Show, FCI European Dog Show, Sydney Royal, Asian International, and for clubs in 47 countries world wide.
She have served on several club committees, and continues to be involved in judge exhaminations for several breeds.
Mrs.Annika Ulltveit-Moe, has together with her husbond Harald, under the prefix,Whisborne, made up over 150 Champions in 27 countries in Europe, South and North America. Many multi Ch’s with group and Best in Show wins through the years.
Gallery from my judge adventures worldwide!